Concerto21 is a platform for selected people who wish to make a financial commitment to promote music and musicians. Our foundation connects these patrons with outstanding classical and jazz artists. Together with experts and our many years of expertise in individual sponsorship, we guarantee the optimal development of artistic potential and a reputable selection of suitable scholarship holders.
Our patrons contribute actively and directly to the diversity of German musical culture. Through their commitment, they become part of a community that shares the enthusiasm and passion for life on and in front of the stage and meet people with diverse backgrounds and inspiring artistic personalities.
Especially through the Corona pandemic, many have once again become aware of how precarious the situation of many musicians is. For those who have not given up music, it has become even more difficult to make non-commercial music.
© Alescha Birkenholz
Our first scholar: Goran Stevanovich
For example, we enable the accordionist Goran Stevanovich to realize his project Sarajevo, with which he, as a representative for many others, processes war experiences with partly almost forgotten traditional Bosnian music.
Experiences from 15 years Concerto21 Summer Academy of the Alfred Toepfer Foundation F.V.S.
We know from fifteen years of experience in training musicians to become entrepreneurs at the Concerto21 Summer Academy that extraordinary talent does not equal success. We have worked with over 180 summer academy students, from whom a significant number of internationally active players have emerged.
After completing their music studies, musicians are perfectly trained artistically. In order to be able to establish themselves on the music market, they lack not only financial means, but above all important content-related tools for a strategically meaningful development of their career.
For the Toepfer Foundation the newly established Concerto21 Foundation is a welcome and highly attractive further development of our music sponsorship, because ideas and ambitions also need resources. With the generous private donations, we will now be able to support selected alumni and other musicians in the implementation of their projects in an even more sustainable and tailored manor.
The financial scholarship is a common and easy resource. We have established a network of absolute experts in the music industry who can give our scholarship holders the tools they need.
Part of the board of trustees is Sonia Simmenauer, who represents the most important string quartets worldwide with her impresariat. Co-founder of the foundation is, for example, Andreas Brandis, who also participated in the academy many years ago and is now managing director of the jazz label ACT Music.
© Steven Haberland
Funding and experiencing together
On the other hand, we know people with a desire to have a real social impact and to experience it directly. In a market where only the commercial has a real chance, the promotion of diverse talent is enormously important. We connect these people with musicians. Musicians in whom our board of trustees sees this talent and a high potential. This creates a community that unites and promotes the love of music.
In a nutshell...
...we bring the network, the know-how and the infrastructure to realize the desire to achieve a social impact. This unique concept of extensive, financial and conceptual support achieves a lasting impact.
As an entrepreneur and music enthusiast, I am delighted to be able to contribute to a sustainably successful career as a professional musician with this scholarship. I wish the Foundation every success in attracting more donors to this very valuable initiative.